
The April General Meeting

   Posted by: Julia Redlich   in Meetings

The speaker at our meeting on April 9 was Dorothea Preis, whose report on the “Blood and Roses” special interest weekend held at Christ Church College, Oxford, at the end of March features elsewhere on our website. Luckily for those many members attending we heard about the enlightening papers in much more detail and enjoyed the excellent choice of illustrations and photographs that brought the weekend to colourful life.  When it comes to colour, I suspect most of us were green with envy at what was obviously a time of special interest to Ricardians and Dorothea’s good fortune in participating and meeting other Ricardians from the USA, Canada and the UK.

Before the main talk began, Branch officers gave their reports:  Chairperson Judith told us that the committee had decided to revert the role of Membership Secretary to the old combination of Secretary and Treasurer.  Lynne would now take on the duties of Sales Officer and a list of possible items was shown round as well as samples of Ricardian scarves, pendants and badges.  Social Secretary Jane told us of the very pleasant lunch that some members had commemorating the death of Queen Anne in 1485 and that plans for the rest of the year’s social events were in hand, including a barbecue lunch at Helen’s home at Bundanoon for the anniversary of Richard’s birth in October.

Dorothea told us finances were all in order, but commented that more people should use our extensive library and contribute to the website.  To this end, Jane, Xavier and Llieda all promised to write something.

Secretary Julia reminded those who had registered for the Melbourne convention in August to finalise their payments by April 30.  So far she had been informed that six of our branch were attending, but – more than likely! – there may have been more who had forgotten to let her know of their intentions.

We had heard from the Society’s Chairman, Dr Phil Stone, of the formation of a special working party to discuss relationship with overseas branches as improvements to the printing and distribution of the Society’s Journal and Bulletins.  The Australasian Branches would be represented by David of the Victoria Branch.

The Coronation lunch this year could be replaced by visiting the Medieval Winterfest at Paramatta Park on the first weekend in July, and more details were being sought.  We were still searching for a church to welcome us for the Bosworth service in August and Joan suggested the St Mary the Virgin in Waverley where her husband Eric is in the choir.  It was hoped to have good news in this respect shortly.

The draw for scrabble speakers at our August meeting was held, Jane, Xavier and Judith drawing the letters N, D and T.

Chairperson Judith also announced that Dorothea had indicated that she would be unable to stand again as Treasurer at the AGM in October, although happily she would remain as Webmaster and Chronicles Editor.  So a new Treasurer had been headhunted and the welcome news was that Judith Howard was prepared to take on the job.  Many thanks to Judith for her willingness to play this important role in our Branch.

Our meeting ended as usual with the draw for raffle prizes – the committee so enjoys seeing the pleasure on winners’ faces as they choose from the selection provided! – our afternoon tea that included some delicious cakes and good conversation with our friends.

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