
Upcoming Events

   Posted by: Michael   in

The meetings of the New South Wales Branch of the Richard III Society are held at the Sydney Mechanics’ School of Arts, 280 Pitt Street, CBD, at 2pm on Saturdays, unless time and venue is otherwise indicated.

Visitors are most welcome!

_____________________________________________________________                         PLEASE WATCH THIS SPACE FOR FURTHER UPDATES  _____________________________________________________________

Events: 2024

NSW Branch Calendar for 2024

Saturday   6 July   – Zoom – Author Matt Lewis discusses – 7pm (AEST) – The Coronation of Richard III – The 6th July has been chosen worldwide to celebrate the centenary of the Richard III Society.

Saturday 10 August – SMSA – Rhonda Bentley – Anthony Wydevile: Richard’s Most Accomplished Victim

20 – 22 September – Mittagong – Australian Conference – Mittagong RSL

12 October – Excursion in Sydney city – Details TBA

Saturday 14 December – SMSA – AGM & Judy Howard – The Rehabilitation of Edward IV


Why not meet up for a friendly visit before the next meeting?

Several members have taken to meeting up for lunch or a coffee before the Branch Meeting at a pleasant, café nearby, just 2 doors down from our meeting place (SMSA) at 276 Pitt Street, called The Walrus Cafe. There are some vegie options on their menu, as well as a delicious all day breakfast, mouthwatering sandwiches, cakes, desserts and great Coffee and Tea, the usual inexpensive and humble café fare. Also they are willing to hold a booking for about 8 people from 12.30 on a Saturday for us.

This is not an official Branch event, just a casual, friendly gathering. We usually order a table where there is plenty of room, starting at about 1:00 pm, but feel free to come by any time after that.
