Posts Tagged ‘Ireland’



   Posted by: Leslie McCawley    in Meetings, News, NSW Branch News

The first branch meeting of the year was held on Saturday, 9 February 2013, at our usual venue in the Rocks just days after the wonderful announcement about Richard III, which excited members had been eagerly awaiting. As a result of the wide media coverage, there was extraordinary interest in our website and our branch, with hundreds of emails having been received, and a number of new faces at our meeting. We hope to see Amanda, Natasha and Peter again.

Welcoming remarks were offered by our Chairperson, Judith, but departing from our usual routine, the minutes from the previous meeting were not discussed nor were there any of the usual reports presented by the Treasurer, Webmaster, or Librarian. This change was due to this meeting’s emphasis on the final results of the Greyfriars’ dig in Leicester. The results of the osteoarcheological and DNA examinations of the bones, the subsequent facial reconstruction, and the media conference with the research panel from Leicester University, were comprehensively reviewed and summarized by Dorothea for those present. Her excellent coverage can be found on the branch website, as well as the many links she has provided to the various media clips and written reports available on YouTube, BBC, University of Leicester and other websites. Dorothea will also be attending a one-day summing up conference at the University of Leicester in March and will report back to us at the next meeting. Her efforts in keeping all of us to date over the past weeks has been deeply appreciated.

Julia discussed the upcoming conference to be held in July, and encouraged members and guests to register for the exciting speakers and planned social events over that weekend. Also, Sydney’s Genesian Theatre is opening their 2013 season with a production of Shakespeare’s Richard III. After the 10 March 2013 matinee performance, a panel will be convened to discuss the nature of the ‘real Richard’ in light of recent discoveries, for which Julia has been invited to represent the Ricardian point of view. Tickets are available online at

Our guest speaker was the charming Rosamund Burton, author of Castles, Follies and Four Leaf Clovers, a memoir of her journey along the ancient Irish pilgrimage route known as Saint Declan’s Way. She had been been raised in a castle in Lismore, Ireland (her father was employed by the Duke of Devonshire), and presented fascinating slides of the many sacred wells, castles, and the lovely Irish countryside.

The 13 April 2013 meeting will feature “Richard III in the Movies” with our guest Yvette Debergue.

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   Posted by: Julia Redlich    in Meetings, News, NSW Branch News

The Leicester press conference and documentary screening will take place during the week before our meeting on 9 February 2013, so I am sure many of you will want to come along to this to enjoy the discussion and what it means for the Richard III Society. Dorothea, our branch’s valued member of the Bulletin editorial committee, has promised to give us an update at the meeting.

Our guest speaker for the February meeting will be Rosamund Burton. Rosamund is the author of the book Castles, Follies and Four-Leaf Clovers. Adventures along St Declan’s Way (published by Allen & Unwin) and she will be speaking about walking the ancient highway, St Declan’s Way, which she did in 2008. She describes Norman castles, Celtic churches and colourful characters, miraculous wells and talking statues, stories of goddesses, ghosts and fairies, as well as staying in a convent and a day at a horse fair.

Dotted with deserted monasteries, ruined castles, holy wells and plenty of pubs, St Declan’s Way stretches 100km from the iconic Rock of Cashel over the beautiful Knockmealdown Mountains to the fishing village of Ardmore. This ancient highway and age-old pilgrim route follows quiet country roads, farm tracks, riverbanks and mountain paths through a part of Ireland that is steeped in history. It passes through the heritage town of Lismore with its magnificent castle, in the east wing of which Rosamund’s family used to live. Rosamund promises illustrations of this fascinating journey, so “wear the green” and enjoy this special visit to Ireland.

Although born in Ireland, Rosamund Burton grew up in England, until her father got a job with the Duke of Devonshire, and the family moved to Ireland, where their home was in the east wing of Lismore Castle. Rosamund went on to become an actress, performing at Dublin’s Gate and Gaiety Theatres, and in the film, Educating Rita with Julie Walters and Michael Caine. She then worked in London before coming out to Australia 17 years ago. Rosamund now writes for a range of newspapers and magazines. She is married to an Australian and lives in Sydney.

There is more info about Rosamund’s previous talks around Australia and the publications that have accepted her work listed on her website

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