Posts Tagged ‘Burgundy’


12 JUNE 1461

   Posted by: Michael    in Events in History

Richard and his brother George return to England from exile in Burgundy, where they had been sent for their safety after the Yorkist defeat at the Battle of Wakefield, West Yorkshire (30 December 1460).

The photograph shows Ghent (© Dorothea Preis)

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27 MARCH 1482

   Posted by: Michael    in Events in History

Death of Mary of Burgundy, stepdaughter of Margaret of York (sister of Edward IV and Richard III).  More information on Mary here.

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11 MARCH 1471

   Posted by: Michael    in Events in History

Edward IV leaves Burgundy to return to England and win back his throne.  He is accompanied by his brother Richard, Duke of Gloucester (later Richard III)

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