Posts Tagged ‘NSW Branch’


Remembering Bosworth

   Posted by: Julia Redlich    in News, NSW Branch News

On Sunday, 25 August, a group of our members and friends gathered at St Mary’s Church, Waverley, for the morning service.  Sadly some who were coming were prevented by sudden events and others missed their public transport from far-flung areas of Sydney. Oh the tyranny of the Sunday time-tables! But  Rupert and his wife Susan made it (it was Rupert’s birthday), and Angela was able to join us too.

As always we were warmly welcomed by the Rector, choir and parishioners who have always appreciated our attendance on the Sunday nearest the anniversary of King Richard’s death at Bosworth Field. Not only was Richard’s own prayer from his Book of Hours read (abridged of course), but the parish letter for the week made especial mention of why this is such a special year for the Society. It was headed ‘A Message from the Richard III Society’.

This year has been an amazing one for the Society and its members around the world. I think all of us find it hard to believe that we have witnessed – even if from a distance – the discovery of the remains of the man who is the reason the Society exists. Until this year, because no-one knew where he was buried, we have remembered him on the anniversary of the Battle of Bosworth Field at church services and by laying white roses at memorials to him.

We now have confirmation that the skeleton discovered during the recent archaeological dig in Leicester is indeed that of Richard III, who hitherto had been the only king of England without a tomb. He had been buried in the choir of the Greyfriars chapel in Leicester, but this was destroyed on Henry VIII’s orders during the Dissolution of the Monasteries between 1536 and 1540. The discovery of his skeleton led by Leicester University could not have taken place without the leadership of two members of the Richard III Society: Philippa Langley and John Ashdown-Hill. Ashdown-Hill is the historian who identified the car park as the site of the Greyfriars chapel, and who also meticulously researched the Richard’s DNA through tracing the descendants of his eldest sister, Anne, Duchess of Exeter. The astonishing match with that of the DNA extracted from the skeleton confirmed identification.

We hope that King Richard will be re-interred in 2014 with all the dignity and admiration that the last Plantagenet King of England deserves.

After the service we joined the parish for morning tea. This was a great opportunity to meet those who were longing to talk about car parks, scoliosis and the unfairness of the reputation that has been foisted on the last Plantagenet king. Copies of our brochure about the Society, and Richard’s life and times were collected, hopefully to counteract any doubts.

As for the morning tea, I doubt if any of us has seen such a splendid one! Delicious ribbon sandwiches, vol-au-vents and pizza slices, chocolate cakes, strawberries and cream – and fine teas and coffee that had never heard the word “instant” applied! Ricardians tried to control their appetites as we knew we had a lunch to attend …

A beautiful bonus to the morning was meeting someone who had just dropped in on the service on her way past. In case she was turned away because of her casual clothes, she thought she could sit in the gardens outside and read the book she had brought with her. She entered St Mary’s, was welcomed, and to her amazement saw a group of people all wearing white roses. Light dawned. The book she was reading was Philippa Gregory’s The Lady of the Rivers, so she knew very well what white roses meant! To cut a long story short, Maggi is about to fill in a membership application form.

Our remembrance of Bosworth Field is always special. This year it was highlighted by the pleasure others expressed that we now know where Richard III has lain for the past 500 plus years and there will be an opportunity to re-inter him with honour.

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   Posted by: Dorothea Preis    in Meetings, News, NSW Branch News

Our next general meeting will take place on Saturday, 10 August, at the Harry Jensen Centre at 14h00. The speaker will be Dr John Twyford.  Dr Twyford is a lecturer at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS).  He will be talking to us about Medieval Contract Law, and will show us the lesser known aspects of the Magna Carta.  He also indicated that his talk will also cover the burning of witches, so be prepared.

A talk about the Magna Carta is a fitting topic for our August 2013 meeting.  The (northern hemisphere) summer of 2013 marks the 800th anniversary of the first meeting meeting between the barons and the clergy to discuss severe grievances against King John at St Albans, in August 1213.  It was this meeting which ultimately led to the articles that became Magna Carta, sealed at Runnymede two years later in 1215.

Our meeting will more than make up for missing the celebrations planned in St Albans.

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The biennial convention of the Australasian branches was held on 12 to 14 July 2013 at the Novotel, Darling Harbour Sydney.  Hosted this year by the New South Wales branch, the convention attracted over 40 attendees from all the wide spread parts of Australasia. Representatives came from New Zealand across to Western Australia and all parts in between.
Registration was on Friday night followed by an informal meal at Pancakes on the Rocks (Darling Harbour branch), which was within easy walking distance from the venue.  Several tables of keen Richardians made a good start to the weekend, setting the scene with good talk and fellowship.

Saturday started with a warm and humorous greeting from weekend Master of Ceremonies Ann (NSW) who introduced the theme for the convention.  As a start to exploring “Richard III: the man behind the myth”, Ann declaimed a pair of clerihews specially written for Richard and I include a sample,

Clerihew 2
In Bosworth Field, did Richard fall
Without a horse, he was nought at all
But forget the nag, and Percy the cheater
My kingdom is for the parking meter.

She also invoked the modern poet Bob Dylan with a final piece of advice ‘don’t trust leaders and watch the parking meters.’ Despite recovering from surgery to an arm injury, Ann gently guided the convention with her special brand of persuasion and humour keeping all on track and informed.

The richly textured programme of speakers began with long term Richardian Peter  from Queensland presenting for the first time at an Australasian convention.  As a consulting physician for 35 years, Peter was very qualified to discuss the various kinds of deformities that Richard has been accused of having and then look at the actual new evidence from the recent discovery at Leicester.  Graphically illustrated with eye catching medical slides and clearly delivered interesting information, Peter’s talk was a fresh and interesting approach.  Though this was Peter’s first appearance at a convention we hope it will not be his last.

Karen (NSW), author and linguist, presented on the Fitzhughs of Ravensworth with a focus on Henry Fitzhugh, a prominent northern lord of a prominent northern family.  This detailed and interesting examination was enlivened with shots of humour.  Karen was an illuminating and knowledgeable guide to the turbulent events of the War of the Roses, following Henry whenever she could see him.  Bringing historic names to life as a good novelist can, Karen brought strong research and human details together to bring the historical figures to life.

Beautifully illustrated with photos from her research in Norfolk, Carole’s (WA) presentation on iconography in medieval churches was informed and revealing. As well as the beautiful carved images made for the main public sections of the churches, she also showed many of the small details tucked away in architectural nooks and crannies.  These ranged from amusing small animals like the singing pigs to fierce demons. This research is part of her doctoral thesis on the relationship between medieval devotional literature and iconography in medieval parish churches.

Chris (NSW) made an arresting comparison of what he identified as the four ‘invasions’ of England and their profound effect on the development of a distinctive English  democracy and parliamentary and governance conventions and the role of monarch.  These were 1. Roman 2. Norman at Hastings 3. Tudor at Bosworth and 4. Willaim and Mary the last of course not a military invasion but one with comparable effects on community and economy.  He drew compelling parallels between these various invasions all of which he contended marked a paradigm shift for English history and culture. The contribution of Richard III was explored with the range of enduring laws and statutes enacted in his short reign.  As a student of political institutions Chris has an enduring interest in how they develop and function.

NSW Branch webmaster and journal editor, Dorothea, looked at one of the lesser known characters of the period, Thomas Barowe, loyal servant to Richard III.  Tracing mentions of Thomas in primary documents, she followed his career under Richard and later under Henry VII.  Following some of the lesser-known characters gives a richer texture to the more mainstream stories adding to our sense of the period and how it was to live and survive and thrive in times so different to our time.

A raft of book reviews of some classic and not so classic offerings and some new additions to Richardian fiction followed.  Gillian (Vic) offered a clear and warm analysis of Rosemary Hawley Jarman’s We Speak No Treason (1971), which she described as a beautifully written book and though detailed, the meshing of the fictional and historical characters was masterly and believable.  A classic, which stood the test of time.  Not so impressed with the new offering of Phillipa Gregory The Kingmaker’s Daughter (2012), Gillian found this novel careless and historically inaccurate, with wooden unengaging characters.  Despite quite enjoying some past novels from this author she could not recommend this one at all.

Hazel (Vic) also picked a classic Richardian text with The Betrayal of Richard III (1959) by V. B. Lamb.  Hazel enjoyed the clear presentation of the case for a reassessment of Richard III reputation, liking Mrs Lamb’s often dry humour and witty style, one which Hazel herself used to make this entertaining talk a reminder of this excellent classic which can be revisited with pleasure.

Margaret (NZ) looked at some contemporary local writers of Ricardian and historical fiction.  The New Zealand branch journal, The Ricardian Times that Margaret has edited since 1985, has a history of supporting fiction writing with the publication of various kinds of original work from an historical Agony Aunt column to stories and poetry. Members Lorraine McArthur and Jane Orwin-Higgs have now had full length works published.  A booklet of short stories from these writers was generously handed out to participants and eagerly taken up.

Moving to a slightly lighter pace, Helen and Denise (NSW) challenged attendees to identify unnamed quotes from a variety of sources on Richard III that they handed out on scrolls. This experimental game, Outrageous Fortune, looks at the changing face of opinion, conjecture and rumour peddled as history on Richard over the centuries.  From well known through malicious to balanced and laudatory, the quotes had the audience on their feet reading out quotes and guessing or naming the authors. After a well earned afternoon tea for all, Helen and Denise moved on to examine the reputation of Richard in light of the Greyfriars find, looking at tweets, humour, worldwide headlines and controversy as the momentous events unfold in a very different world of communications. The hope was expressed that the exciting contemporary story of the finding of the King’s lost bones will take root in popular consciousness providing a counterbalance to the age-old image of the deformed Wicked Uncle.

The formal dinner on Saturday night celebrating the 530th anniversary of the coronation of Richard III was well attended with many in historic costume.  A candle light ceremony opened proceedings accompanied by delightful evocative choral music composed by Graham Keitch who had given special permission for its use on this special night. The crowd was entertained with original songs and theatre presented by NSW members (thanks to Julia, David, Kevin and Philip) in between enjoying more delicious catering.

As the loyal toasts drew to a close, diners were stunned by a magnificent fireworks display that burst over the nearby harbour.  Even discovering that this was a regular event and not another example of the immaculate timing and organization of the NSW branch committee did not lessen the enjoyment of catching a breath of fresh air on the terrace and watching the spectacle.

Watching the fireworks (Photograph by Helen Portus)

Sunday morning provided more contrasts in topics with Chris briefly introducing a new release of a very early film version of Richard III.  This silent film from 1913 is the earliest surviving feature film made in America and features Shakespearean actor Frederick Ward and his company.

Louise (WA) then took attendees on a journey through the wild and turbulent world of 15th century Scotland.  She proved a deft guide to the sometimes complex and often bloody politics and events of this most unsettled times as nobles clashed with monarchs and power shifted frequently.  Invasions, armed encounters, skirmishes and full scale battles followed thick and fast interlaced with treaties and negotiations, in a time when being the Scottish king was a risky career move.  It was a fascinating time with many colourful and vivid characters.

Andrew in full armour (Photograph by Dorothea Preis)

A real life vivid character next strode into the room clothed in full 15th century battle armour.  Following a quick medieval striptease, the next speaker was revealed, slightly sweaty but ready to talk. Andrew (NSW) is an active historical jouster at an international level. Involvement with historical martial combat has given him a good working knowledge of the design, construction and function of medieval armour and for the next hour he spoke and answered a stream of questions from his audience.  During this time he covered the history, function, making and different styles of armour as well as discussing war horses, knight training, knights on horse and foot and then bringing it all together into what happens in actual battle. As well as giving an overview of the knight in his world it was also an introduction into the world of trade and innovation that was generated by the making and selling of this tool of war.  The 15th century is considered the peak of technical development of armour and weapons.  Andrew’s suit was in the English style, so plainer than some continental makes but with wonderfully engineered articulated joints and protection, so it provided a great deal of movement and flexibility.

Following a business session with Rob (Australasian Vice President, NZ), which will be reported separately, the convention closed with an original piece written by Michael (Vic).  Michael has invented the English Broadcasting Guild and written 3 radio style plays that have been ‘broadcast’ by the Guild at different Ricardian events.  In this one, an Interview with Richard III, reporter Reginald Peacock (played by the author) is supported by Hazel delivering a delightful rich BBC accent, Kevin as Francis Lovell speaking about his life with Richard and Rob as Richard himself moving and very human with a well sustained and very real Yorkshire accent. This provided a very suitable ending to a weekend rich with new ideas and information, offering insights and a different angle on the facts and mysteries of Richard’s life and reign.

The closing formalities paid tribute to the NSW branch committee who organised the convention, with Rob proposing a vote of thanks and applause on behalf of the attendees.  Thanks also went to Lynne for her invaluable work on the merchandise stall and to the many others who helped with the raffles and books sales and donated goods and time and energy to this most successful event.

In closing Master of Ceremonies, Ann, commented on the varied and detailed presentations that informed, instructed and entertained in turn and thanked all the speakers for their contributions.

All look forward to the next meeting in 2015 in New Zealand.

Denise Rawling and Helen Portus

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   Posted by: Rachel Allerton    in Meetings, News, NSW Branch News

On Saturday, 8 June, the NSW Branch of the Richard III Society, was treated to a lecture on Richard III, called ‘Between Two World Orders:  Richard III and the Priority of Politics over Truth’, by Ben Cross.  Ben has almost completed his PhD in political philosophy and discussed the different political views of the world throughout history.

We learned that the Greek idea of cosmic justice (dikaiosune) was challenged around Richard III’s time, when people began to understand that they could create or choose their own place in the world, rather than have it decided for them.  However, the one constant theme in history is that power wins and that ‘truth is what your contemporaries let you get away with’ (Richard Rorty).

Hopefully we will continue to question and uncover the truth about Richard III! Thanks to Ben for his fascinating talk!

We also celebrated Queen Anne’s birthday with a gorgeous cake afterwards.

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   Posted by: Julia Redlich    in Meetings, News, NSW Branch News

A reminder for our next general meeting on Saturday, 8 June, at 2pm.  The speaker will be Ben Cross, talking to us about ‘Medieval Thought and Philosophy’.  We are so grateful to Ben for finding time for us – he has been frantically busy recently and is shortly to leave for Oxford to complete his PhD thesis on this subject.  However, as we all know, it is those who are the busiest who find the time to fit in something extra.

At every June meeting, we like to make a point of marking the anniversary of the birth of Richard III’s queen, Anne Neville, on 11 June 1456. This means there will be something special to enjoy at our afternoon tea.

Obviously this is a meeting that can’t be missed. See you there!

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Review of 13 April 2013 Richard III Society Meeting

   Posted by: Leslie McCawley    in Meetings, News, NSW Branch News

The NSW Branch of the Richard III Society met on 13 April 2013 at the Harry Jensen Centre in The Rocks, Sydney. Our Branch Chairperson Judith welcomed all the regulars, members from overseas, and a number of visitors, whose interest had been aroused by the recent discovery of the remains of Richard III in the Leicester carpark.

The Committee has been busy since the last meeting with Judith and Dorothea speaking to the Military Historical Society at Victoria Barracks, and Judith and Julia to students at Chifley College who were studying Richard III for their HSC. Julia was a member of a panel discussing the Genesian Theatre’s approach to Richard III in their current production. In addition, of course, the Committee has been finalizing the extensive arrangements for the July conference, with some last minute changes.

Julia presented the Secretary’s report and reminded us that although it is past the official deadline that it is not too late to get our registrations in for the upcoming conference in Sydney on the weekend of 12-14 July 2013. It is going to be a great weekend of learning and social activities with Ricardians, and not to be missed.

Julia also explained that because of full programs for the rest of the year no Scrabble Speakers will be needed. That means that all of our eager public speakers will just have to wait their opportunity next year!

The Minutes from the February 2013 meeting were taken as read. There was no Treasurer’s report as the Treasurer was away. Dorothea presented the Webmaster report. This branch website continues to receive many visitors. Dorothea has also extended the Branch online presence to Facebook, so everyone who has access to the internet should visit and “like” it! It can be found at

Lynne announced the arrival of the new pewter boar pins for those who had pre-ordered them. More may be obtained in the future if there is a demand from members.

An extra feature today was Dorothea reporting on her recent trip to the University of Leicester conference entitled “The Greyfriars dig: a new Richard III”. Dorothea had previously posted elements of her presentation on the branch website for online visitors to read.

The Guest Speakers were Yvette Debergue and Rachel Allerton from the University of Sydney Centre for Continuing Education and the WEA, where they teach medieval courses. Yvette recently completed her PhD at the University of Sydney on the area of Gender and Medieval Heresy. She has taught at the University of Sydney’s Centre for Medieval Studies as well as the Departments of History and Religion; her area of expertise being Heresy in the Middle Ages. For more information on upcoming her courses visit Their interesting presentation was on the different interpretations of Richard’s physical presence and character in several film versions of Shakespeare’s Richard III. They referred particularly to those featuring Lawrence Olivier, Ron Cook and Ian McKellen. Sadly the technology was not completely cooperative, so I have attached some of the YouTube clips from their presentation:

Olivier’s version of the soliloquy.

The BBC’s version with Ron Cook as Richard.

Horrible Histories Richard III Song.

The next meeting will be on Saturday, 8 June 2013, and the speaker will be Ben Cross on Medieval Thought and Philosophy.

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   Posted by: Julia Redlich    in Meetings, News, NSW Branch News

The Leicester press conference and documentary screening will take place during the week before our meeting on 9 February 2013, so I am sure many of you will want to come along to this to enjoy the discussion and what it means for the Richard III Society. Dorothea, our branch’s valued member of the Bulletin editorial committee, has promised to give us an update at the meeting.

Our guest speaker for the February meeting will be Rosamund Burton. Rosamund is the author of the book Castles, Follies and Four-Leaf Clovers. Adventures along St Declan’s Way (published by Allen & Unwin) and she will be speaking about walking the ancient highway, St Declan’s Way, which she did in 2008. She describes Norman castles, Celtic churches and colourful characters, miraculous wells and talking statues, stories of goddesses, ghosts and fairies, as well as staying in a convent and a day at a horse fair.

Dotted with deserted monasteries, ruined castles, holy wells and plenty of pubs, St Declan’s Way stretches 100km from the iconic Rock of Cashel over the beautiful Knockmealdown Mountains to the fishing village of Ardmore. This ancient highway and age-old pilgrim route follows quiet country roads, farm tracks, riverbanks and mountain paths through a part of Ireland that is steeped in history. It passes through the heritage town of Lismore with its magnificent castle, in the east wing of which Rosamund’s family used to live. Rosamund promises illustrations of this fascinating journey, so “wear the green” and enjoy this special visit to Ireland.

Although born in Ireland, Rosamund Burton grew up in England, until her father got a job with the Duke of Devonshire, and the family moved to Ireland, where their home was in the east wing of Lismore Castle. Rosamund went on to become an actress, performing at Dublin’s Gate and Gaiety Theatres, and in the film, Educating Rita with Julie Walters and Michael Caine. She then worked in London before coming out to Australia 17 years ago. Rosamund now writes for a range of newspapers and magazines. She is married to an Australian and lives in Sydney.

There is more info about Rosamund’s previous talks around Australia and the publications that have accepted her work listed on her website

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Ricardian Bulletin Update

   Posted by: Dorothea Preis    in News, NSW Branch News

Just a short note to our members: The March Bulletin will be delayed by about one month to allow full coverage of the findings, which are due to be announced in Leicester on 4 Feb.

However, there will be a Bulletin Extra as soon as possible after 4 Feb to bring us all the very latest, as well as a registration form for the conference on 2 March. This Bulletin Extra will be emailed to members, who have supplied us with an email address, and posted by snail mail to the others.

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   Posted by: Leslie McCawley    in Meetings, News, NSW Branch News

The last meeting of the year was held on Saturday, 8 December 2012, with old members and new, and various friends visiting from other branches. Judith, our branch chairperson, welcomed a full house and was followed by Judy with a brief treasurer’s report. She confirmed that all the renewal fees had been received and were now en route to the UK.

Our branch secretary Julia then discussed the ongoing news from Leicester about the parking lot dig where the suspected remains of Richard III have been unearthed. It is a very exciting time to be a Ricardian and the timing is excellent to pique the interest of the general public for the upcoming convention. The convention deadline is fast approaching so please get your registrations in soon. There is a lot of work involved in putting on an event so all offers of volunteer assistance are welcome, please contact any of the committee members if you can help. Julia also made a plea for a replacement for her role as branch secretary, as she will be leaving soon and needs time to hand over a lot of business to her successor.

The webmaster’s report was then given by Dorothea, who reminded us that it is a lot of work to keep it active and interesting, and she would like to think that all members with an internet connection are reading it regularly. There are still increasing numbers of international visitors to the website, and that is high praise. The website also features book reviews and links to an every growing array of fascinating late medieval oriented websites.

One of Dorothea’s most recent posts was a link to a Canadian TV news report on the progress of the identification of the remains found in Leicester, which was very interesting and well worth watching. Author John Ashdown-Hill was interviewed, along with the forensics experts who reported the skeleton as having scoliosis of the spine, a significant head wound and the presence of an arrowhead near the spine. Also featured was a 17th generation Canadian descendant of Richard’s mother, Cecily Neville, whose maternal DNA will hopefully help to confirm the skeleton as Richard’s.

Dorothea then distributed the always well-written branch journal, The Chronicles of the White Rose, one of the best perks of membership.

Lynne then gave her report regarding the stores of memorabilia, and presented a sample of the appealing pewter boar lapel pins now available on order.

Our program for the day was a very interesting talk by our treasurer Judy about her April attendance at the 11th Triennial Conference at the University of Loughborough, Leicestershire, UK entitled “Bosworth and Warfare: New Finds, New Ideas.” Many experts on late medieval warfare spoke about all aspects of war in the era of interest.  Judy’s detailed presentation is posted on our branch website, and well worth reading, as it was fascinating!

Following Richard’s body from Bosworth to Leicester, Dorothea gave a short update on the dig and the find of male remains as well as the variety of tests being performed on the remains.

A highlight of this holiday meeting was a performance of vignettes written and performed by Isolde and Julia. This included cleverly reworked Christmas carols with Ricardian commentary for group singing (e.g. ‘Away in Some Danger’ and ‘O Little Town of Middleham’); a play about Elizabeth Wydville’s dim prospects as a single mum; and a list of personages never to be invited to a Ricardian Christmas, including Thomas More, Lord Stanley, and Henry Tudor.

The first meeting of the new year will be on 9 February 2013, with invited guest speaker Rosamund Burton who will be talking about the ancient pilgrim path in Waterford, Ireland known as Saint Declan’s Way.

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Christmas cheer at the NSW branch

   Posted by: Dorothea Preis    in Meetings, News, NSW Branch News

Our December general meeting will be taking place at our regular venue, the Harry Jensen Centre (17 Argyle Street, Millers Point), on Saturday, 8 December 2012 at 14h00.

We have a whole range of attractions for you to enjoy.  Judy will give an illustrated talk about the triennial conference of the Richard III Society, which she attended at Loughborough earlier this year.   This will be a unique opportunity to see pictures of the real site of the battle of Bosworth, which was visited as part of the conference.  This is on private land and normally not open to the public.

While we are all are waiting for the results of all the scientific tests being carried out on the male remains found in Leicester, there will also be a look back on how these remains were found at all.

And our regulars know that any item presented by Isolde and Julia promises to be great fun.  They told us that this year they will be acknowledging some characters familiar to all Ricardians, but who won’t be receiving Christmas cards from us.  Sounds intriguing.

It will also be an opportunity to pick up your copy of this year’s Chronicles of the White Rose, our branch journal.  In it you can find a variety of presentations from past meetings and some articles which appeared on our website, as not all our members have access to the internet.  And of course the volume also includes an entertaining and challenging quiz.  (The Chronicles will be mailed afterwards to members unable to attend.)

It would be appreciated if members could help to make our Christmas afternoon tea special by bringing a plate, but please do not be over-generous with the plate size!

Looking forward to seeing all our regular friendly faces and perhaps some new ones as well.  As always any guests, curious to find out more about us, are more than welcome.

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